The Engineering Blog

Guide to Engineering at Zemanta

At Zemanta we believe in writing things down — i.e. if it’s not in writing it doesn’t exist. We take notes on every single meeting in google docs, we write down our product ideas and turn those notes into product requirement documents, we write down technical requirements on new systems we’re about to design or redesign existing ones, we document our product feature roadmaps so everybody knows what our goals are … and we’re not the only one in the tech space with such beliefs.

Why? Keeping people in sync. We have a large group of people working on a single product and keeping a multidisciplinary group of engineers, data scientists, product managers, sales people and marketers that are spanned across 2 continents in sync, can be profoundly difficult.

How does writing it down help keeping people on the same page? Think how many times did you lead/attend a meeting, where everything was clear to everybody, but 2 days later, people started making wrong assumptions and conclusions about what was agreed upon. Sounds familiar? There’s nothing wrong with that and it’s human nature you’re fighting against. Psychologists who are researching the effectiveness of eye-witness testimony in courts, say that people don’t have video recorders built in their brain and they can’t just play back the meeting, but instead, have to “reconstruct to remember”.

Keeping things in writing, allows people to meet, debate, write down the consensus, think about the the conclusions in private and follow up, if they require more clarification.

Documenting our engineering culture, tooling and process is no exception to the principle of writing things down. Not having a very basic written outline of our engineering process and practices, turned out to be very painful for new hires that joined a team that was well in sync for the last 2 years. There were a lot of intricacies, tools and non verbal expectations to our process that was very confusing to somebody just joining our team.

After noticing this confusion we decided to write a guide to engineering at Zemanta from a perspective of a new technical hire that would serve as a brief guide to tools, practices, process and principles of coding and some parts of the operations. We’re emphasizing the word brief guide, since there are still a lot of intricacies left out, but it’s good enough for getting around confidently on the first days at work and getting that first pull request onto production.

We decided to put this guide on github because of:

  1. every engineer in the company can propose changes to the process and practices by opening up an issue or a pull request with proposed changes, that are then subject to discussion and consensus

  2. putting it on github keeps it close to code and in sight — if we would just put it in a doc on google drive the whole guide would quickly become out of sight and out of mind

  3. inspired by our colleges at Lyst, we also decided to open source the guide — there’s open source software, why not have an open source guide to engineering

In conclusion, we recommend a practice of documenting every process (or as much as possible) in your company and maybe our guide can give you a head start — feel free to fork it and adapt it to your needs.